Moderna-Bau GmbH - your construction company.

From the cellar to the roof, everything made professional.

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+49 (0) 2687 - 92 79 80

 (Mo-Fr 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr)

Moderna-Bau GmbH

The safe way to home!...

Planning and building:

We provide high quality, eco friendly houses and low energy houses which are not only easy on the eye, but being low on energy and environmentally friendly - giving you the maximum of energy efficiency.

We can do the planning and building for you:


- Detached houses

- Apartment buildings

- Semi-detached houses

- Terraced houses

- Swedish-style houses

- Low carbon emission houses

- Housing developments

- Holiday developments

- Commercial property

- Restaurant and catering property


- Retirement homes

Your house will be built to your own specifications whether you choose an owner-finished, turnkey or ready for occupancy option.

You also have a large variety of home designs to choose from or you can submit your own plans for a quote.

Wir sind europaweit für Sie da!

Tel.: +49 (0) 26 87 - 92 79 80
Fax: +49 (0) 26 87 - 92 79 81